Reno Municipal Court Header Image
One South Sierra Street, Reno, Nevada 89505
Phone: (775) 334-3066

Record Search

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Please enter your citation number to search for your record(s).

You MAY have to include any letter with the citation number. Example: 123456A If your citation number begins with a '0' and using it in the textbox above fails to display your record, please try the citation number WITHOUT the '0' as a prefix.

If your record cannot be found you may need to allow 1 week from the date you received your citation to attempt to pay online.

Please use this link to look up cases for Reno:

Search Options Include:

Case Number: Court assigned case number i.e. 17TR-11111
Citation Number: Agency assigned number. Reno Municipal Court receives cases from 8 different law enforcement agencies that each have a different citation number format. Please check the top right hand corner of your citation for this information.

We do not process Reno Justice Court case payments on this site. Please double check your paperwork to verify the court you need to provide payment to. Reno Justice Court’s phone number is 775-325-6503.
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