Hampton Municipal Court Header Image
608 1st Street West, Hampton, South Carolina 29924
Phone: (803) 943-9364
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The Town of Hampton has the right pursuant to the South Carolina Setoff Debt Collection Act to collect any sum due and owed by the defendant through offset of the defendants' state income tax refund. If the Town of Hampton chooses to pursue debts owed by the defendant through the Setoff Debt Collection Act, the defendant agrees to pay all fees and costs incurred through the setoff debt process, including fees charged by the Department of Revenue, the South Carolina Municipal Association and/or the Town of Hampton. If the Town of Hampton chooses to pursue debts in a manner other than setoff, the defendant agrees to pay the costs and fees associated with the selected manner as well.

If you do not appear at the time of your hearing or you fail to pay the fine in its entirety, the balance may be referred to the Department of Revenue/Set Off Debt or Converted to a Civil Judgement.
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