The Superior Court of California - County of Solano Header Image
Serving Fairfield and Vallejo Branches
Court Website
321 Tuolumne Street Vallejo, CA 94590
Phone: 707-561-7860
600 Union Avenue, Fairfield, California 94533
Phone 707-207-7360

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Please enter your citation or case number to search for your record(s).

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Case Number

Case number examples: IN23-01234 or FTR012345 or VTR012345

Citation number examples: AB12345 or 12345AB

Enter your citation number exactly as it appears on the Notice to Appear. Be sure to include any letters that may appear before or after the citation/case number.

If you cannot pull up your citation/case number, please contact the court. For Fairfield Traffic call 707-207-7360 and for Vallejo Traffic call 707-561-7860.

Please allow at least 30 days from the date you received your citation to attempt to pay online

The Traffic Division handles Infraction citations for Adults (18 years old and over) for the following violations and minor offenses:

  • Vehicle code violations
  • Fish & Game violations
  • Local City and County ordinance violations
  • Boating violations
  • Dog/Animal violations
  • Other Infraction code violations

Types of cases the Traffic Division does not handle include:

  • Parking citations. Contact the citing agency.
  • Juvenile traffic citations. Contact the Probation Department at 707-784-7631.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI) or any misdemeanor or felony violations. Contact the Criminal Division. For Fairfield Criminal call 707-207-7380 and for Vallejo Criminal call 707-561-7880.

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