Tahnicia Phillips, State Court Clerk
12 East Park Square, Marietta, Georgia 30090
Phone (770) 528-2660
Record Search

Record Search

Please enter both fields to search for your record(s).

You MAY have to include a letter with the citation or case number (Example: E02580613). If your citation or case number begins with a '0' and using it in the text box above fails to display your record, please try the citation or case number WITHOUT the '0' as a prefix.

If your record cannot be found you may need to allow 10 days from the date you received your citation to attempt to pay online.

If paying online, your payment must be made no later than 6:00 AM EST two (2) days before your court date. For example, a ticket for a Wednesday court date must be paid no later than 6:00 AM on Monday.
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Caller ID

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