Pierce County District Court  Header Image
Misty Butler Robison , Court Administrator
930 Tacoma Ave South , Room 239, Tacoma , Washington 98402
Phone: 253-798-7487 | Fax: 253-798-6310
Office Hours -Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Record Search

Please select the jurisdiction where you received your citation.

If you have received a photo infraction from the city for Edgewood please choose the city of Edgewood from the drop down.

Please select the method you would like to search for your record(s).

Where can I find my citation number?
You MAY have to include any letter with the citation or case number.

If your record cannot be found, you may need to allow 5 days from the date you received your citation to attempt to pay online. Additionally, this link is to pay for cases filed in Pierce County District Court, only. If your case is with another court, you will need to contact that court for online payment instructions.

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