Fountain Hills Municipal Court Header Image
Robert Melton, Presiding Judge
16705 E. Ave of the Fountains, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268
Phone: (480) 816-5103 | Fax: (480) 837-8256
Court Hours: M-TH 7:00AM-6:00PM, Payments Accepted In-Person until 5:15pm
Your Information
Terms Agreement
Important Information
There is a service fee for processing payment(s) online or over the phone. The total charge amount will be displayed prior to submitting the payment. To make a payment by phone, please call (844) 400-6732 Mon - Fri 5am - 5pm and Sat - Sun 7am - 11am PST.
Once you have submitted your payment, you will receive an email letting you know if your payment has been accepted or rejected.
Click here if your case is in FARE/Collections and you would like to pay your fine.
If you do not pay by your court date and your case is defaulted, a time payment fee of $20.00 per case and a default fee of $25.00 per charge will be added to your citation amount.

There is an additional $50 fine for defaulted cases that will be automatically added to your total.
Citation/Complaint Number

Citation Holder's Information
Please enter the following information about the person for whom you are making a payment.

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