9002 Main St E Suite 100, Bonney Lake, Washington 98391
Phone: (253)862-6606
ATT: Traffic Infractions (Non-Criminal)
If you receive a Traffic Infraction ticket (either a green half sheet or a white full sheet e-ticket), please read options located on the lower right corner or on the backside on how to make this payment. You must respond within 30 days of the date of the citation by either requesting a hearing, setting up a time payment agreement, or paying the fine in full.
Failure to respond, comply or pay in a timely manner may result in a $52.00 penalty.
Unpaid balances will be sent to a collection agency and may result in the suspension of your driver's license.
ATT: Criminal Citations
If you receive a Criminal Citation (either a goldenrod half sheet or a white full sheet e-ticket) from a police officer or in the mail, your
appearance in COURT IS MANDATORY.
You have been charged with a crime. Failure to appear will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest. A $100.00 warrant fee may be applied.
Look for an appearance (arraignment) date in the top left-hand portion of the citation or e-ticket. If no date is written on the citation, the court will summon you within 2-3 weeks. The summons will be mailed to the address on the face of the citation. It is your responsibility to contact the court if the address is incorrect or the summons is not received within 2-3 weeks.
You are about to call the following number:
Log Call Info
Please add the call log information below:
Caller ID
Caller Name
Agent ID
Citation Number
Enter Reason
Select Reason
Need to speak with clerk
Pay Citation
Pay Monthly
Need help looking up citation
Ticket not in system
Citation/Case in the system
No Record Found - Citizen had all payment information
No Record Found and caller didn’t have information
No Record Found - Issue date less than 7-10 days
Proof of Correction – Has not provided proof to Citrus
Proof of Correction – Already provided proof to Citrus
General Payment: Payment Plan, Copy Works, Etc.
Official Records Payment: Official Records Escrow, Subscription Service, Etc.
Enter Resolution
Select Resolution..
Paid Fine
Transfer to traffic
Transfer to collections
Call or Contact the Court
Assist with verification
Took Payment Integrated Site
Took General Payment with Supervisor Approval
Took Official Records Payment
Supervisor Email Citrus
Referred Caller to Court with Supervisor Approval
Asked Caller to Call Back with Supervisor Approval
Agent will follow up with the citizen
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