Ruston City Marshal Header Image
401 N. Trenton St. #223, Ruston, Louisiana 71270
Phone: 318-255-7788
Hours M-F 8-5
Your Information
Terms Agreement

Important Information

There is a service fee for processing payment(s) online or over the phone. The total charge amount will be displayed prior to submitting the payment. To make a payment by phone, please call (844) 544-6308 Mon - Fri 7am - 7pm and Sat - Sun 9am - 1pm CST..
Once you have submitted your payment, you will receive an email letting you know if your payment has been accepted or rejected.

You must pay all the offenses on your traffic ticket by 4:00pm CST the day before your court date or appear in court on your court date.

If you have missed your court date please call (318) 251-8614 for instructions. You will not be allowed to pay your traffic ticket over the phone or online.

If the contact phone number written on your ticket is 318-255-7788 please continue. If not, stop and call the contact phone number on your ticket for payment instructions

If under 17 years old you may not pay online. Contact the Juvenile Department (318) 513-6382 for instructions

Check court website above for instructions on how to keep your ticket off your driving record.

Many tickets have multiple offenses written on them. You must add each offense separately. If an offense is not listed, please call the court at (318) 251-8614 for instructions. ALL offenses on your ticket must be paid prior to your court date or you will need to appear in court on your court date.

Violations Lookup

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Citation Holder's Information

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(If you have no middle name type NMN)

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