Opelousas City Court - Probation Header Image
127 E Grolee St, PO Box 1999
Opelousas, Louisiana 70571
Phone: 337-948-2570
Fax: ext.110
Your InformationTerms AgreementPaymentReceipt

Important: If your camera traffic citation starts with CIT, payments must be made at metatraffic.net
Description Probation Payment
Docket Number Probation Officer Amount  
ATTENTION: Answering these questions is required:
Has your contact information entered above changed since your last contact?
Are you employed?
Have you had any contact with law enforcement of any kind since your last office visit?
Do you need to speak with your probation officer?

General Information
Please enter the following information about the person for whom you are making a payment.
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip Code

Important Information

There is a non-refundable service fee for processing payment(s) online or over the phone. The total charge amount will be displayed prior to submitting the payment. To make a payment by phone, please call (877) 793-7141 Mon-Fri 7am-9pm and Sat-Sun 9am-6pm EST.
Once you have submitted your payment, you will receive an email letting you know if the court has accepted or rejected your payment.

Payment of this probation fee does not fulfill your financial obligation to pay all court-ordered costs and fines.

Please call 337-948-2570 with any questions.

You are about to call the following number:

Log Call Info

Please add the call log information below:

Caller ID

Caller Name

Agent ID


Citation Number

Enter Reason

Enter Resolution


Agent Login